Tip No. 1 –> Proper Lubrication – Auto experts advice to change the oil during winter. As winter approaches, you should switch to an oil that is winter grade. Such an oil quickly flows into important engine parts thus minimizing the wearing down of automobile engine.
Tip No. 2 –> Replacement of Your Vehicle's Anti-freeze – This is one of the most advised car maintenance tip for winters. Check the anti-freeze and if it is worn out, change it immediately to avoid heavy damages. Anti-freeze is used for controlling the temperature of the vehicle's engine and thus helpful during freezing temperatures.
Tip No. 3 –> Not to Miss Fuel Filter – Proper functioning of fuel filter is very important. The function of fuel filter is to separate water and dirt from entering the fuel. If your fuel filter is worn out, it might let the water seep in. During winters, its possible that this water freezes and might block the way for fuel to pass through.
Tip No. 4 –> Check the Car Tire Pressure – Snowy areas or icy conditions require properly inflated auto tires. One must check the car tire pressure for over or low pressure. Your car moves smoothly even in snowy areas with proper air pressure in tires. The different gauges on your car's dashboard will give you a clear idea.
Tip No. 5 –> Battery Should be Checked – A fully charged battery assures smooth functioning of car. If your battery is weak, it might lead to breaking down of your car in the middle of the road. It might also take you longer to start the vehicle if your car's battery is weak.
Tip No. 6 –> Warming Up of Vehicle but Not for very Long – During winters, engines becomes extremely cold and it is difficult to start the car. In that case, just keep you car idle for few seconds after the engine is started. This process allows oil to flow easily into the engine. Warming up of engine helps in proper lubrication.
Tip No. 7 –> Check the Fog Lights – Prevention is better than cure and in order to prevent any accident to occur, proper lights in any vehicle plays an important role. Check the fog lights, taillights and other car lights. Keep an extra signal bulb in your car so that you can use it in case of burn out.

Tip No. 9 –> Check Car's Spark Plugs - The spark plug of the car should be replaced if it is worn out. A worn out or misfired spark plug can lead to more damage and thus lead to costly repairs.
Tip No. 10 –> Heater/ Defroster – During winters, the heater or defroster of your car should function in the right manner.
These car maintenance tips for winter season will definitely give you a smooth driving experience this winter. Try these car care tips to avoid major auto repairs and save money.
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